Friday 19 September 2014

Magit install problem on Emacs by el-get

Emacs is a good IDE for python. 

Recently, Jhamrick updated her great Emacs settings again ( configuration). When I try to follow her new updated setting, I found magit can't be installed by el-get. And it give me some error like this:

#The make information
makeinfo magit.texi -o
magit.texi:6: warning: unrecognized encoding name `utf-8'.
install-info --dir=dir
info: dir: No such file or directory
make: *** [dir] Error 1

#The message:
magit failed to install: (error el-get: make el-get could not build magit [make EMACS=/homed/home/shi/bin/emacs/bin/emacs-24.3 all]) [3 times]
el-get-installation-failed: el-get: make el-get could not build magit [make EMACS=/homed/home/shi/bin/emacs/bin/emacs-24.3 all]

I guess it's the problem of the "install-info" command on our server, because it's out of date. It means el-get can't get through the make process.

When I check the magit git site, they say "elpa" can also install the magit. This time I don't get error in the installing. To use the elpa package, put following in the .emacs file:

(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
             '("melpa" . "") t)
(when (< emacs-major-version 24)
  (add-to-list 'package-archives '("gnu" . "")))

Then we can load the magit successfully:
(require 'magit)

One principle: install them manually on your machine if the Jhamrick's install script failed.

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